Sunday 25th April 2021
Sunday 25th April has been amazing and we wanted to thank you! Together with the Bistrotto crew and the representatives of the municipality, we met on the beach in Bogliasco for a cleanup. Perfect climate and crowded beach with swimmers, fishermen and above all people interested in safeguarding the sea.
In addition to the inhabitants of Bogliasco, there were also those who came from Genoa and Milan to help cleaning the coast and the cliff. We were about 90 people, of all ages from 8 to 70 years old, and no one stopped until the beach was completely scoured. There are those who climbed the rocks and found everything: car tires, rusty fire extinguishers and road signs worn by the salt.
On the other hand, those who searched among the stones of the beach found over 1500 cigarette butts, 150 plastic caps, 70 straws, over 20 disused fishing tools and a thousand other deteriorated pieces. In total we filled 11 bags in 3 hours.
Find all the data of the collection in our counter.
See you on the beach!
Ti aspettiamo al prossimo beach cleaning!
Più dell'80% degli 11 milioni di tonnellate di rifiuti di plastica che vanno a finire negli oceani di tutto il mondo ogni anno proviene dalla terraferma. La pulizia dei litorali è un’attività fondamentale per evitare che le plastiche finiscano o ritornino in mare a causa delle mareggiate. Il tuo contributo può veramente fare la differenza e impedire che i rifiuti finiscano nella catena alimentare danneggiando gli animali e l’ambiente in maniera irreparabile.
La prossima non te la puoi perdere!
Più siamo, più cambiamo il mondo.